German Shepherd Female puppies
Alwa z Eurosportu X Alan Schrom
April 19, 2014 Litter
Have fun reading the whimsical " Diary of a German shepherd Puppy" from birth to 9 weeks of age, when our German shepherd puppies leave to go to their forever homes. It is ongoing and gives some indication of the daily care and extra attention that our puppies receive, as well as indicating the personalities of each puppy.
1 White collar Female German shepherd puppy First puppy born: 12:15 am; 1 lb
This girl weighed 8 lb 13 ounces at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. She is one of the calmest and easy going German shepherd puppies. She had her front and back nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and was exceptionally co-operative and good. She loves to be held and is very calm, relaxed and trusting, while being held like a baby in grandma's arms. She loves tummy rubs. She does not aggressively intimidate or volunteer to play fight with others; but she vigorously fights back when one of the more aggressive puppies tries to bully her. She has often been seen chasing a small ball, and picking it up and running off with it. She is a very smart little girl who seems to figure out how to get other puppies to do what she wants to do. For example, Green boy was lying in the small house where she wanted to be. She initiated a little wresting match with him, got him to more outside, then she ran and occupied the spot where he had been and snuggled down to take a nap. She was also one of the first to realize that there was a special place to pee and poo and would go out of her way to do her business there. Both of her ears are starting to lift as of May 29. Her nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, with total co-operation from this super good girl. |
2 Red collar Female German shepherd puppy Born: 3:48 am; 1 lb 3 oz
This girl weighed 8 lb 9 ounces at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. She is one of the calmest and easy going German shepherd puppies. She had her front and back nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and was exceptionally co-operative and good. She loves to be held and is very calm, relaxed and trusting, while being held like a baby in grandma's arms. She loves tummy rubs. She does not aggressively intimidate or volunteer to play fight with others; but she vigorously fights back when one of the more aggressive puppies tries to bully her. She will fight to keep what she wants from the other puppies; for example they were given a few steak bones to celebrate their six week birthday. She got one of them and her whole demeanor changed. Instead of being the calm, easy going, relaxed girl she usually is, she became a tiger defending her prize, she barked and growled at the others to warn them that this was hers and she would defend it. She was one of the earliest of the puppies to get fascinated with toys. She was observed making herself a hoard of 4 different toys, putting them in a pile and sleeping on top of them all, when she was a little over 4 weeks old. She has often been seen chasing a small ball, and picking it up and running off with it. She is a smart girl who creatively makes a new toy out of ordinary things such as an empty plastic jug. She has been observed playing co-operatively with another puppy, when the toy is not one that she really wants to possess. She learned that there was a special place to pee and poo and would go out of her way to do her business there, when she was nearly 4 weeks old. Her nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, with just a tiny bit of fussing from this super good girl. |
3 Black collar Female German shepherd puppy Born: 4:44 am; 1 lb 5 oz
This girl weighed 8 lb 12 ounces at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. She is one of the calmest and easy going German shepherd puppies. She had her front and back nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and was quite co-operative and good. She is a real cuddler who loves to be held and is very calm, relaxed and trusting, while being held like a baby in grandma's arms. She loves tummy rubs. She likes to play with toys; she is smart and inventive and turns ordinary objects into a toy, such as a plastic jug, or an empty paper towel roll, which she proudly struts around with showing off to the other puppies. She has often been seen chasing a small ball, and picking it up and running off with it. It seems as if she purposefully manipulates a situation to get the toy that she wants. Brave little girl: she will crawl into the toy bucket to get the specific toy she is looking for. She will play tug of war with another puppy who has what she wants, till the other puppy lets go. What a determined little girl. She often would rather play with toys than eat. She is a very athletic and determined little girl who shas figured out how to get herself over the 16 inch barrier to get to the food dishes first. She figured out at about 4 1/2 weeks of age that there was a spot to go pee and poo and would often drop everything to go there, do her business and then return to where she had been. Her nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, with just a bit of fussing. |
4 Orange collar Female German shepherd puppy Born: 6:40 am; 1 lb 4 ounces
This girl weighed 9 lb 5 ounces at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. She is one of the biggest of our German shepherd puppies. She had her front and back nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and made a big fuss: she even howled. She is not at all aggressive towards the other puppies; she is calm, confident and very easy going. But, when another puppy made the mistake of attacking her she quickly let them know that they had made a big mistake. By the time of this paragraph, none of the other puppies offer to play fight with her. She is a real cuddler who loves to be held and is very calm, relaxed and trusting, while being held like a baby in grandma's arms. She loves tummy rubs. She likes to play with toys; she was seen showing interest in a small ball at just over 4 weeks of age; she rolled it around and actually picked it up! She seems to have focus and a long attention span for a puppy; she has been seen to play with the same toy for quite a long time for a puppy. She is a very athletic and determined little girl who was the first puppy to figure out how to get herself over the 16 inch barrier to get to the food dishes first. She figured out at about 4 1/2 weeks of age that there was a spot to go pee and poo and would often drop everything to go there, do her business and then return to where she had been. She was seen at 4 1/2 weeks of age to stop eating, run to the place to pee, then go back to the food. Her nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, with so much fussing that Grandma redid the nails the next day. She was very much more co-operative the second day. |
5 Mauve / Pink collar Female German shepherd puppy Last puppy born: 7:05 am; 1 lb 4 ounces
This girl weighed 9 lb 1 ounce at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. She is one of the calmest and easy going German shepherd puppies. She had her front and back nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and just did a little bit of squirming. She loves to be held and is very calm, relaxed and trusting, while being held like a baby in grandma's arms. She loves tummy rubs. She likes to sleep with her head using my foot for a pillow. She likes to play with toys; she is smart and inventive and turns ordinary objects into a toy. She has been seen bravely crawling into the large toy bucket to get just the precise toy she wants. She likes to play, play, play, and is often one of the last to get tired and go to sleep. She has good focus and concentration and will play with the same toy for a longer than usual time for a puppy of her age. She has often been seen chasing a small ball, and picking it up and running off with it. She will play tug of war with another puppy who has what she wants, till the other puppy lets go. She has been seen barking at them when they will not give her what she wants. She is a determined little girl. She often would rather play with toys than eat. She is a very athletic and determined little girl who has figured out how to get herself over the 16 inch barrier to get to the food dishes first. She figured out at about 4 1/2 weeks of age that there was a spot to go pee and poo and would often drop everything to go there, do her business and then return to where she had been. She is usually not aggressive towards the other puppies, but she will not let them try to push her around at all. The puppies were given some steak bones to celebrate their six week birthday; she took one and hid from the other puppies so she would not have to share. First, she hid between a box and the wall; they found her. Next she ran off with her prize and his in the box / fort, happy that she had it to herself. Her nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, with nearly no fussing at all. |