German Shepherd Male puppies
Alwa z Eurosportu X Alan Schrom
April 19, 2014 Litter
Have fun reading the whimsical " Diary of a German shepherd Puppy" from birth to 9 weeks of age, when our German shepherd puppies leave to go to their forever homes. It is ongoing and gives some indication of the daily care and extra attention that our puppies receive, as well as indicating the personalities of each puppy.
1 Green collar Male German shepherd puppy. Born 2:30 am, 1 lb 7 oz at birth
This boy weighed 9 lb 12 ounces at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. He is one of the biggest German shepherd puppies. He had his nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and was very good. He is an investigator and explorer. He loves to untie shoelaces. He likes to play with skinny (stuffing free) toys. He loves to be held and is very relaxed and trusting while being held in grandma's arms. He has great long term focus. When he wants a specific toy, he will persevere till he gets it. He has been seen chasing, playing with and picking up the small ball. Athletic and determined, he can easily climb the 16 inch high barrier that keeps the puppies in their kennel when he wants to be the first puppy to get to the food dish. Although he is not a bully, he will stand up to yellow boy who has learned that green collar is not one that he can dominate. His left ear was starting to lift as of May 30. His nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, despite his objections. |
2 Blue collar Male German shepherd puppy Born 2:55 am, 1 lb at birth
This boy weighed 7 lb 6 ounces at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. He is one of the smaller German shepherd puppies. He had his nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and was exceptionally tolerant. He is an lover and cuddler. He loves to follow grandma everywhere she goes, and sleep using grandpa's feet or another puppy for a cushion. He likes to play with skinny (stuffing free) toys. He loves to be held and is very relaxed and trusting while being held in grandma's arms; he loves getting tummy rubs. He is very active and loves playing with toys; he was one of the first puppies to really play with toys. He is one of the most congenial and social puppies. He likes to play with everyone. He will come to a person, and climb on to their leg and beg to be picked up. A brave little guy, he will offer to start wrestling matches with puppies bigger than he is and is not intimidated by them at all. His right ear was starting to lift as of May 30. His athleticism and determination is demonstrated by the fact that he can also climb the 16 inch barrier to get out of the baby kennel if he really wants to. His nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, and he made no fuss at all. He totally trusts his people. |
3 Yellow collar Male German shepherd puppy Born 4:19 am, 1 lb 4 oz at birth
This boy weighed 10 lb at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. He is one of the biggest German shepherd puppies. He had his nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and was very good. Curious and unafraid of anything; he likes to dominate the other puppies and exercise his will over them. He is an investigator and explorer. He loves to give kisses when he is picked up. He likes to play with all the toys. He really likes to be picked up. He was one of the first to chase and pick up a small ball. Athletic and determined, he can easily climb the 16 inch high barrier that keeps the puppies in their kennel when he wants to be the first puppy to get to the food dish. He is inventive and will turn ordinary things into new playtoys, such as an empty cardboard paper towel roll, or an empty plastic jug. He likes to watch the adult dogs when they are on guard, barking at a strange car; he watches with total intensity. Both of his ears were starting to lift as of May 30. His nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, despite his very vigorous objections. |
4 Purple collar Male German shepherd puppy Born at 5:56 am, 1 lb 4 1/2 ounces
This boy weighed nearly 9 lb at just over 6 weeks of age, on Monday, June 2, when this description was written. He is one of the bigger German shepherd puppies. He had his nails trimmed for the first time with clippers on May 5, and was very very well behaved. He is a very easy going boy. He likes to play with ALL the toys; for a long time he would rather play than eat. A very smart puppy, he notices everything. He was one of the first puppies to figure out that there was a special place to pee and poo, and he would suspend his play, run to the pee area, do his business, then run back to the toy he had. Another sign of his intelligence is the puppies were given some steak bones that had been saved in the freezer to celebrate their six week birthday. He realized that these treats were behind the freezer door. Later that day, he sat in front of the same freezer door, and scratched at the door and cried for it to be opened for him, so he could have another treat. He loves to be held and is very relaxed and trusting while being held in grandma's arms. He is a brave little boy. He has a favorite spot to lie, on the second step, from which he has a good view of all the activity. When he sees something that interests him, he bravely jumps from that step to pounce on whoever he wanted to play with. Athletic and determined, he can easily climb the 16 inch high barrier that keeps the puppies in their kennel when he wants to be the first puppy to get to the food dish. He does not instigate battles with the other puppies; but he will not tolerate being pushed around by another puppy who tries to bully him. His nails were done again with a Dremel on June 1, with a minimal fuss from him. |