
German Shepherd breeders of Czech (Slovakian) German Shepherds

Sandra Weiland

330 Clark Rd.
Bath, North Carolina, 27808

Please email us at:



HOME: 252-964-2514

CELL: 636-295-0864

Our German Shepherd Kennel


It took us nearly a year from August 26, 2011,for our German shepherd kennel to completely recover from the destruction we suffered after Hurricane Irene. Our German shepherd dog kennel is on the ground floor of our home and we had 4 feet of water in the storm surge which totally devastated our North Carolina German shepherd kennel. The important thing is that all the dogs were on the upper three storeys of the house, safe and sound and our German shepherd kennel NC could be restored..

See photos of the newly rebuilt German shepherd dog kennel areas and newly replaced fenced in areas.  We designed our North Carolina German shepherd kennel so that each dog has its own large exercise area, with a double door entry and Entry Room to his German shepherd kennel NC.  The double door and Entry Small room prevent drafts.

Our kennel and each pup's baby book





See a 5 minute visit to part of our kennel that shows you the baby book that we make for each pup.  

We have one page for each week the pup is with us.  We insert a puppy paw print at the beginning of each week.

We add daily weights, and document all procedures, such as nail trims, worming, vaccinations.

We are proud of the care we give our pups

The book starts with photos of sire and dam, followed by pedigree of sire and dam, titles and achievements of each of their Slovakian ancestors.  Next are the 9 weeks of the pup's life, with milestones described, and notes on each puppy's behavior.  We send three videos a week to our clients, starting at 4 weeks of age, to help them choose their pup.