If you are having trouble reading Ava Malabig's Suchno (Slovakian) pedigree with the titles of her ancestors, click this link to see photos of her ancestors, their titles and a 5 generation pedigree in Pedigree Data Base
or you can go to see her Suchno pedigree, translated:
If you wish to see her Suchno (Slovakian) pedigree, translated, please do the following:
Using Google Chrome, navigate to www.suchno.sk, then:
Click on the icon to the LEFT With the dog head in the oval circle... the Suchno registry .. the other is Czech Republic registry
Then click the "database suchno" tab...
then type in a name of the dog whose pedigree you wish to see:
Alan Schrom, or Ava Malabig or Cira Hurcak or Alwa z Eurosportu, and click on the dog's name that pops up
Then right click in a blank spot, and choose translate from the google menu that pops up
Then you can print them or look at the dog and the ancestors and you can see all the titles they earned in Slovakia